2023 Oregon Bigleaf Maple Festival
The Oregon Bigleaf Maple Festival will be held May 13, 2023 at the beautiful Oregon 4-H Center in the Eola Hills outside West Salem. Ticket information and directions are just below the festival flyer.
The FAQ with event-day details has been updated as of 05.09.2023.
Note that 4-H does not allow pets on site so please do not bring one. Service dogs are allowed on leash with a jacket or collar with service written on it. If you only have a jacket you may carry it since it may be too hot for the animal on Saturday. Of course, please clean up after your dog. Thank you for helping us comply with OSU and 4-H policy.
If you have special needs around disability access please email us so we can describe the site and help you prepare. 4-H has a narrow road entrance and limited parking so please carpool so we can keep congestion to a minimum.
A special thank you to the University of Washington and Washington State University Bigleaf Maple Project teams and partners for their vision and support for creating PNW bigleaf maple sugaring festivals.
It's important you come to the event with a ticket because of the capacity of the grounds. After clicking on "Purchase Tickets" above you will be taken to the Oregon State University Ticket Office website. If you click on Purchase Tickets and you successfully arrive at the OSU Ticket Office website, then under "Ticket Options" select your "Ticket Types". When you are done click "Select Seats". Note that there are no actual seats to select, it's just the name of the submit button. To checkout and pay as a member of OSU you will need to log in first. To checkout and pay as a non-OSU person do a "General Public" registration, it's simple and fast. A "Family" ticket is essentially a car load. So if you have a family friend or two in your car, that's fine, you can call that 1 family ticket. When you check in stay as a group and let the ticket taker know (honor system). Our main concern is that we want to encourage car pooling to the site to help minimize vehicle congestion. Please carpool if you can, it will make our job easier, we really appreciate it. If you have any problems email us at
Dogs & Alcohol Prohibited:
4-H policy doesn’t allow dogs or alcohol. The parking lots are not shaded so it isn’t an option to keep a pet in your vehicle.
It's important you come to the event with a ticket because of the capacity of the grounds. After clicking on "Purchase Tickets" above you will be taken to the Oregon State University Ticket Office website. If you click on Purchase Tickets and you successfully arrive at the OSU Ticket Office website, then under "Ticket Options" select your "Ticket Types". When you are done click "Select Seats". Note that there are no actual seats to select, it's just the name of the submit button. To checkout and pay as a member of OSU you will need to log in first. To checkout and pay as a non-OSU person do a "General Public" registration, it's simple and fast. A "Family" ticket is essentially a car load. So if you have a family friend or two in your car, that's fine, you can call that 1 family ticket. When you check in stay as a group and let the ticket taker know (honor system). Our main concern is that we want to encourage car pooling to the site to help minimize vehicle congestion. Please carpool if you can, it will make our job easier, we really appreciate it. If you have any problems email us at
Dogs & Alcohol Prohibited:
4-H policy doesn’t allow dogs or alcohol. The parking lots are not shaded so it isn’t an option to keep a pet in your vehicle.
Disability Access:
If you have special needs around disability access please email us so we can describe the site and help you prepare.
Arrival Time:
If you are coming when the doors open it’s okay to arrive at 11:15 and get parked, but don’t come earlier as we will still be putting the finishing touches on setup.
Weather, Hats, & Sun Screen:
The weather forecast is currently for the high 80s so dress appropriately and bring sunscreen. The festival has indoor and outdoor areas. The indoors is a large building and should stay pretty cool with the breeze going through. The outside area is grassy with lots of large trees for shade.
Food & Water
We will have lots of water stations so bring a water bottle and stay hydrated. We'll have recyclable cups if you forget. Chef Paul of Fin and Fowl in Silverton will be closing his restaurant for the day and selling a number of delicious pre-made items at the festival. Cash and credit cards are both accepted for payment. Life Source grocery will have whole apples, bananas, and beverages for sale. You are welcome to bring food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Traffic & Parking
When you turn into 4-H please drive 5 mph and keep a careful eye out for people walking on the road and kids running to and fro. 4-H is a beautiful place but it is rustic with gravel roads and a few narrow stretches on the main road we will have traffic control stationed. Polk County Sheriff Mark Garton has kindly recruited some volunteers to help direct traffic. Please be patient and know they will be doing their best to make your arrival go smoothly. If you have special accessibility needs let traffic control know when you arrive and they direct you to the best disability parking. The disability parking is limited so please only park there if you really need.
Exploring the Grounds
4-H has many beautiful trails and you are welcome to explore. You can sign up for some guided nature walks that will happen throughout the day. The old chapel has an amazing collection of cut stone from around Oregon, see if you can find it.
Directions to the 4-H Center
Click on the map below to be taken to Google Maps